Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)

Enhance your degree with a prestigious professional qualification from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW). Gain in-demand skills, boost your career prospects, and stand out to top employers.

Though this BYOC pathway, fulfill additional Professional Qualification Exemptions. Refer to the links below for the exemption details:

(Note: Pre-requisite for these courses-re required; These subjects are offered to ACCOUNTING students ONLY

Or, contact the consultants below for further information:

This course is offered by the
Faculty of Business (FOB) Faculty of Management (FOM)

Visit Our Courses

BVX6313/ GVX6213

This ICAEW professional-level ACA course focuses on tax computations and providing taxation recommendations for individuals, companies, and trustees. It also emphasizes compliance matters and ethical issues in tax planning.

Register BVX6313 for students enrolled in a 4-year programme & GVX6213 for students enrolled in a 3-year programme.

  • Professional Qualification: Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
  • Pre-requisite: Taxation 2
  • Learning activities:
    • ✅Lecture
    • ✅Tutorial
  • Assessment:
    • ✅ Test
    • ✅ Assignment
    • ✅ Final exam
  • Earn 3 credit hours.
  • Offered by the Faculty of Management (FOM) and the Faculty of Business (FOB).

BVX6323/ GVX6223

This ICAEW professional-level ACA course equips students with the skills to prepare tax computations for individuals, companies, and trustees. It also covers compliance requirements and ethical considerations in tax work.

Register BVX6323 for students enrolled in a 4-year programme & GVX6223 for students enrolled in a 3-year programme.

  • Professional Qualification: Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
  • Pre-requisite: Taxation 2
  • Learning activities:
    • ✅Lecture
    • ✅Tutorial
  • Assessment:
    • ✅ Test
    • ✅ Assignment
    • ✅ Final exam
  • Earn 3 credit hours.
  • Offered by the Faculty of Management (FOM) and the Faculty of Business (FOB).

BVR6353/ GVR6213

This ICAEW professional-level ACA course equips students with essential financial reporting knowledge and skills, covering key IFRS topics such as financial statements, property, plant, and equipment, intangible assets, revenue recognition, leases, and financial instruments. Students will develop the ability to distinguish between equity and liabilities, apply valuation techniques, and analyze financial statements for complex structures, forming informed recommendations for investors and creditors.

Register BVR6353 for student enrolled in a 4-year programme & GVR6213 for students enrolled in a 3-year programme.

  • Professional Qualification: Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
  • Pre-requisite:
    • Corporate Accounting 1 (for BVR6353)
    • Financial Accounting Reporting 4 (for GVR6213)