MMU is proud to present the “Build Your Own Curriculum” to all its students.

What is BYOC?

BYOC is designed to provide you the opportunity to graduate with diversified knowledge and skills, above and beyond the scope of a standard bachelor’s degree. You have the power to shape your education to suit your passion and aspiration. As opposed to the conventional structure of choosing from a set of several elective courses tied to your programme structure, under BYOC, the choices and combinations available to you are nearly unlimited.

There are THREE pathways under BYOC, any one of which you may select. They are:

(1) Unrestricted Electives
What if a business student could graduate with some in-demand IT skill? What if an engineering major could choose to nurture his passion for screenwriting? These are all possible with BYOC’s Unrestricted Electives options. There is a large collection of unrestricted elective courses in various fields, offered by all faculties, to choose from. This means that, instead of taking elective courses pertinent to your programme structure, you may choose to take elective courses offered by other faculties, all of which have no pre-requisite requirements. These electives may be taken either as individual courses or as part of a specialisation track. To earn a specialisation track, you will need to fulfil a minimum of 3 unrestricted elective courses which sums up to 9 credit hours, associated with that track. 

(2) Professional Qualifications
A professional qualification, on top of your degree, offers significant advantages in today’s competitive job market. It is an attestation of your specialized skills, knowledge, and recognition in your field, leading to greater employability and higher earning potential. In this pathway, the electives you may take as part of your degree curriculum will qualify you to be exempted from a significant part of the papers required to obtain the professional qualification, or prepares you for the professional qualification certification examination.

(3) Integrated Postgraduate Programme (coming soon)
The electives under the Integrated Postgraduate Programme are specially designed to prepare you for advanced studies. You may choose to take Integrated PG Programme electives offered by any faculties provided you meet the prerequisites and have an interest in enrolling in the corresponding postgraduate program in the future. Earning credits for these electives provides you a seamless transition from undergraduate to postgraduate, potentially leading to earlier completion and graduation.


BYOC caters to your interest and allows you to learn what you like and enjoy. 

How is BYOC Structured?

In contrast with a conventional undergraduate programme’s fixed curriculum, the BYOC curriculum presents the opportunity for students to choose or mix and match open elective courses. This means that, instead of taking elective courses pertinent to your programme structure, you may choose to take elective courses offered by other faculties. 

The selection of elective courses, termed open electives, is specially curated to cover a wide range of fields, from cutting-edge technologies to the creative arts to business and management. Students may take these electives either as individual courses or as part of an elective specialisation track.

As diversifying knowledge and skill set is an important element of BYOC, all open electives have no pre-requisite requirements except for ICAEW professional qualification.

BYOC courses fall into the broad categories of Technology, Humanities & Law, and Creative Arts.

These courses may be taken by any student with minimal restrictions – for each elective course that is a part of your programme structure, you can enrol in a course from the BYOC catalogue of open electives.

You may choose a course from a different field of study and/or faculty.

How are BYOC classes conducted?

The classes are conducted physically in the faculty offering the course, or in hybrid mode. You will undertake all lectures, tutorials, and any practical lab sessions that are a part of the course. Scheduling will be planned in a manner that the timetable for the open electives will not interfere with your core courses.